

Which planets has rings and is larger than earth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Which planets has rings and is larger than earth?
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What planets are larger than earth and has rings and moons?

The gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

How many rings do the giant planets have?

It depends on the term 'giant'. If 'giant' refers to larger than earth, then all of the giant planets in our solar system have 3 rings in total.

Which planets larger than earth has a moon?

All of the planets larger than Earth have several moons.Mercury and Venus are the only planets for which no satelliteshave been discovered.

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I do not understand the question - the inner planets have no rings, and only Earth and Mars have moons.

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Of the seven other planets that orbit the sun, three are smaller than Earth and four are larger.

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Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are much larger than earth. Venus (slightly), Mars (by half) and Mercury are smaller than earth.

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Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are all larger than Earth.

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There are five planets in our solar system which are bigger than Venus; 1. Jupiter(has rings) 2. Saturn (special rings around it made with ice and rocks) 3. Uranus (has rings around it) 4. Neptune (also has rings around it) 5. The Earth (the twin sister) MissFigglebot- im doing a research project on venus hope that helps

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The order of the planets from largest to smallest is:JupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneEarthVenusMarsMercurySo yes, Uranus is larger than the Earth.

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Which planets are larger then Earth?

In our solar system there are 4 planets larger than Earth, which are collectively known as the gas giants; these are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There are many other planets larger than Earth in other solar systems as well.