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Define thick - all 4 outer planets plus Venus have thicker atmospheres than Earth.

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Q: Which planets have a thick atmosphere?
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Which planets moon has a substatial atmosphere?

Saturn's moon, Titan, has a thick atmosphere

Do all inner planets have thick atmospheres?

No. Only Venus has a really thick atmosphere. Mars has only a thin atmosphere and Mercury has almost no atmosphere.

Why do all of the gas planets have thick atmosphere's?

because its cold

Why is the atmosphere thick in the outer planets?

The outer planets have thick atmospheres because they are so big. The bigger the planet, the stronger the gravitational pull. This means that the bigger planets pull in more gasses, which creates a bigger, thicker atmosphere.

What planet has a thick atmosphere has no moon and its rocky?

well there are no planets like that

Which Planet Hass A Crushing atmosphere?

Venus and the four outer planets all have a very thick and massive atmosphere.

Does Jupiter have a presence of an atmosphere?

YES. all planets have their own atmosphere. Jupiter's is huge and thick - it is all clouds.

Why do all the gas giants have thick atmospheres?

gravity keeps the gas giants planets gases from escaping so they have thick atmosphere

What atmosphere is so heavy and thick that it would crush a human?

jupiter and venus are the planets that are heavy and thick that would crush a human.

What does dense atmosphere mean?

Thick air. Planets like Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus have a very dense atmosphere.

What planet has a thick atmosphere of mainly hydrogen and helium due to the conditions during the formation of the planets?

Uranus and Neptune both have thick, gassy atmospheres that were formed by the left-overs of the formation of the planets.