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The four inner, terrestrial or rocky planets all have similar densities, much higher than the four outer gas giant planets (though the outer planets are much larger and more massive).

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Q: Which planets have densities similar to earth?
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What Planets are small rocky and have high densities?

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What are 3 ways inner planets are alike?

The four inner, rocky planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. These are; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The inner planets all have a clear solid surface, unlike gaseous planets. The inner planets do not have a ring system. The inner planets are of similar densities.

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they are larger than earth and have low densities.

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These planets are similar to earth?

In our solar system, the inner four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are referred to as rocky, or terrestrial ("Earth-like"). Outside the solar system it is estimated as many as 40 billion planets in our galaxy alone would be similar to Earth.

How do the densities of the jovian planets compare with the densities of the terrestrial planets?

Although a lot more massive, the four outer gas giant planets are less dense than the inner rocky planets. The densities of the four inner planets are between 3.94 g/cm3 to 5.515 g/cm3, ehile the outer gas planet densities range from 0.7 g/cm3 to 1.76 g/cm3.

Is there life on other planets is there any similar to earth?

Astronomers have found Earth-sized planets in other solar systems.