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So far most planets are too hot or too cold to support life or are gas giants. Scientists are yet to find signs of life in other planets, other than planet Earth. The universe has many galaxies and planets, most are still yet to be explored. The search for extraterrestrial life is ongoing.

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Q: Which planets in our galaxy or in other galaxies have life?
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Is the statement Life exists on planets in other galaxies a scientific hypothesis?

No, it is a statement, but there is a hypothesis that there is life in other galaxies, or even outside the solar system but in our own galaxy, but it can't really be described as scientific because no evidence has ever been found.

How likely is it that life exists in other parts of the universe?

Very likely, their are thousands maybe even millions of planets in the galaxy that are habitable, than their are trillions of galaxies.

Do you think humans will one day see other worlds beyond our galaxy Do you think it's possible to leave our solar system and explore other galaxies and see other planets or life forms big or small?

Yes. Scientists haven't been able to explore other galaxies. I believe that there is life in other galaxies just like Earth. but how do they explore galaxies? i mean how do they know there are other galaxies? do they have any proof of lik=fe on other galaxies? ^^^^^^^

Humans will one day see other worlds beyond our galaxy Do you think it27s possible to leave our solar system and explore other galaxies and see other planets or life forms big or small?


Is there alive in other galaxies?

Is there life in other galaxies? We currently have no way of knowing, although it seems quite likely. A galaxy is a big place.

Is there any other life in any other galaxy?

I am not trying to sound like a meany, or trying to offend anyone that is going to read this, but we would be so arrogant to believe that we are alone in this universe, there are thousands of other planets and galaxies, how could there not be life. I personally believe that we will encounter other beings from other planets within the next few years. I believe this because there is no other explanation to what had happen on the day that Area 51 occurred, how could their not be beings from other galaxies and planets. We are not alone in this universe. _________________________________________________________________ Adding onto what the other person said, in the next few years, life forms from another galaxy may figure out a faster way to travel into space and they may find us. They will not be 'aliens', just other beings, maybe similar to us.

What do you expect to find in the other galaxies?

Maybe life on planets far far away!

Is there life of on other planets?

Well, no life on other planets has been proven, but it would be ignorant to think that Earth is the only planet among billions of star systems in the milky way galaxy, which is one of the billions of galaxies in the universe. The planets other than Earth that most likely have life in our solar system is Mars because it is in the Goldilocks zone of our solar system, which means there is the ideal temperature for an atmosphere and liquid water.

Why do scientist study the light coming from distant galaxies?

They study distant galaxies because they want to know whats out in other galaxies and how many planets it has

Why is it important to view galaxies that are far away and galaxies that are close?

To know what is the life there, and if there's any other creatures or "aliens". some scientists are looking for planets with water and life on them.

What is the Probability theory of life on other planets?

i did this research and made my own equation on my own, take our Galaxy for example 1 galaxy=150-350 billion stars lets take 250 billion stars, and if each star has a solar system of 1 to 9 planets, lets say each star has 5. 5 planets times 250 billion stars = 1,250 billion planets and if at least 1 in 5 planets has life on it 1/5 X 1,250 billion planets = 250 billion planets so i think maybe at least 250 billion planets in OUR galaxy have life but that's only our Galaxy (Milky Way) and in the universe there are billions of galaxies maybe trillions, and how do we know this is the only universe, could there be more?

Are there life forms on other planets?

There are no confirmed life forms on other planets. However, the possibility of life on other planets is very real. The number of stars with terrestrial planets in the Habitable Zone in our galaxy alone is immense. Given that number, up to 50 billion, multiplied by the possibility of millions of millions of galaxies makes it remarkably probable that life exists somewhere else.