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the last color you can see at the red end

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Q: Which portion of the visible spectrum has the longest wave length?
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Which color of light in the visible spectrum has the longest wave length?

Red ... ;)

What is the color of visible light that has the longest wave length?

That's the last color you can see on the red end of the spectrum.

Which color registers the highest frequency shortest wave length?

Of the visible light spectrum, that would be blue light.

Order of length of the visible spectrum?

The visible light spectrum is the only part of the spectrum that we can perceive with our eyes. It is commonly considered to be the 400nm -700 nm region. It lies between ultraviolet and Infrared region of the light spectrum.

What color of light has the longest wavelength and the shortest?

The color RED has the longest wavelenth, and the color VIOLET has the shortest wavelenth. ---- Also Wavelenth is inversely propotional to frequency, so we can also say that color VIOLET has longest frequency and color RED has the shortest. VIBGYOR V-Violet (Highest Frequency, Shortest Wavelenth) I-Indigo B-Blue G-Green Y-Yellow O-Orange R-Red (Highest Wavelenth,Shortest Frequency)

What is the longest river in the Asian portion of the CIS?

The Amu Darya River is the longest river in the Asian portion of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is 2,540 kilometers in length.

What is the color with the shortest wave length?

Visible light wiith the lowest frequency / longest wavelength produces the last color you can see on the red end of the spectrum. Visible light with the highest frequency / shortest wavelength produces the last color you can see on the violet end of the spectrum.

How are x-rays differentrom the light?

X-rays and visible light are part of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum or EM Spectrum. The EM Spectrum is a depiction of all EM waves from the longest to the shortest. X-rays have a shorter wavelength than visible light. Our eyes only have the ability to translate a small section of the EM Spectrum into information our brain can process. The section our eyes can translate is the visible light section. Each color we see has a different wave length. You can use a prism to view all the colors of light or just look a a rainbow. X-rays also are deadlier than visible light because of its shorter wavelength. They can go through the body easier than visible light. Google EM Spectrum and you'll get a better answer.

How do rainbows demonstrate that sunlight is composed of wave length from the entire visible electromagnetic spectrum?

Because Racism is Good.

Is visable light the shortest of lights in wavelength?

Any light that is visible (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) will have a different wave length. Red being the longest and violet being the shortest. Light is on a thing called the electro-magnetic spectrum, which also includes X-rays, radio waves, micro waves and gamma rays. Visible light is in the middle of this spectrum.

In the visible spectrum the color of light that has the shortest wave length is?

Violet, after that comes ultraviolet that the human eye cannot see.

Wavelengths in which position on the electromagnetic spectrum have the lowest energy?

Lowest energy is at lowest frequency, i.e. longest wave length.