

Which powerful source did rama used to kill ravana?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Which powerful source did rama used to kill ravana?
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Because he kidnapped/abducted Rama's beloved wife Sita. Rama tried in peaceful ways to get his wife but when all efforts fail, he enters into a war with Ravana.

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The conflict was between Rama and Ravana. Trigger for the conflict is the abduction of Seeta the wife of Rama, by Ravana. Rama declares war on Ravana to rescue his wife. Ravana and his army were finally defeated and killed by Rama. Good prevails over bad.

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Ravana abducted Sita who was the wife of Rama. Rama killed Ravana to get back Sita. In reality, the conflict was not because of Sita but it was because of the wild desire of Ravana to marry Sita who was already wedded to Rama.

What is the conflict of ramayana?

The conflict was between Rama and Ravana. Trigger for the conflict is the abduction of Seeta the wife of Rama, by Ravana. Rama declares war on Ravana to rescue his wife. Ravana and his army were finally defeated and killed by Rama. Good prevails over bad.

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Ravana had ordered Mahodara to fight Lakshamana, Rama's brother, but Mahodara disobeyed Ravana and went directly to Rama. The result of his disobedience was that he got destroyed by Rama, and became lifeless and shapeless on the field.

How did Rama carry out his rescue?

Lord Hanuman along with Army of Monkeys or Vanaras helped Lord Sri Rama in fighting Ravana and rescuing Sita.

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Rama and Ramayana are related. Rama has no relation to Mahabharatha. Rama did fight a war with Ravana to save his wife from Ravana, who had abducted her. Rama and Ramayana relates to the time of Tretayuga. Mahabharata relates to the time of Dwaparayuga

what is the climax of story ramayana?

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What caused the war between Rama and Ravana in the Ramayana story?

The trigger for the war is that Ravana abducted Rama's wife Seeta, in short. But the whole events have a larger background based on divine plans of god.