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James K. Polk. He was only 53.

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Q: Which president died three months after he left the white house?
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Which president did not live in the White House?

George Washington was the only president to never live in the White House. John Adams had only a few months there at the end of his term.

Which president was the first to move into the White House in 1800?

John Adams was the one who first moved into the White House, about 4 months before he had to vacate it for the new president Jefferson.

List three positions in the White House Office?

The President, the Vice President and the First Secretary.

Who was the third president to live in the white house?

Since George Washington did not live in the White House, the third president to live there was James Madison, our fourth president.

Did every president live in the whitehouse?

No- the White House was not built in time for Washington to live there. John Adams moved in about three months before his term ended and every president since as lived there for at least part of his term. Some had to live elsewhere while the White House was repaired or improvements were made.

What is the three ways president Obama be a successful president and world leader?

Get out of the White House - X 3

First president to live in the White House when it was first called the White House?

John Adams was the first. He lived there for about 4 months at the end of his term.

What are the three functions of the white house?

The white house is the home of the president and his family as well as holding the offices of the President and his staff. In addition it is used for ceremonial occasions.

Who or what does the White House honor?

the white house honors the president.

Why is the president part of the White House?

The president is not part of the White House. The White House is where the US President lives -- it is a building. People sometimes say "The White House" to refer to the President or the people on his staff who speak or act on his behalf.

Where did Abraham Lincoln live as an an adult?

in the White House when he was president

What president kept a cow in the white house for fresh milk?

there are three but i dont really know