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Yes it doesIt depends on the laws of your state. There is no federal holiday called Presidents' Day. Some states have a state holiday called Presidents' Day and depending on the state it may honor Washington and Lincoln or it may honor all former presidents.

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President George Washington. The correct name of the federal holiday is actually Washington's Birthday, not Presidents Day as most people called it.

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Which is correct Presidents' Day Presidents Day or President's Day?

Grammatically, Presidents' Day is NOT correct. The correct spelling should have no apostrophes at all as the day does not BELONG to the presidents, therefore it is not possessive.

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to honor all presidents in the past

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They are not. Presidents tend to represent the majority of the population in the country ethnic-wise, though this is not a requirement.

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Yes, all states celebrate Presidents' Day. It is a national holiday.

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Washington's Birthday. There is no federal holiday called Presidents Day regardless of spelling.