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The cooling and solidification of magma.

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Q: Which process formed the granite that is mined in many areas of the US?
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Which process formed the granite that is mined in Vermont?


How can you make granite?

You can't. Granite is formed by intrusion of magma into other rock; replicating the process properly takes too uch energy and time. ---- In Runescape, granite ore can be mined in the Quarry just south of the Kharidian Bandit Camp. Keep in mind, it can't be used to make granite armor.

Is there a video of granite being mined?

Do search on You tube. There are many videos of granite being mined.

Are granite and marble important to the state of MassachusettsWhy?

Granite and marble are both important to the state of Massachusetts. Massachusetts has prime areas where granite and marble can be mined for the building industry. Marble and granite are popular to use for counter tops and floors.

What is mined in northeast quarries?

yes, granite was mined in the northeast quarries

What is mined in the northeast quarries?

In the northeast quarries, minerals and rocks such as granite, marble, and limestone are typically mined. These materials are used in construction, sculpture, and various industrial applications due to their durability and aesthetic appeal.

Where is granite mined?

Granite is found in Mountain Ranges.=There are also granite layers in the Grand Canaynon.=

What is mined in South Carolina?

Granite and Limestone

Where was granite mined in Canada?

Granite in Canada is mined in various locations, including Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, and Nova Scotia. Each province has specific regions known for granite mining due to the high quality and quantity of granite deposits.

What happens after granite is mined?

it turns different colors

What makes the price of granite go up?

The less granite there is being made, or mined. The more expensive it will be.

What is found in the earth in layers and has to be mined?

Granite or precious stones