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transport of glucose downward in stems

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Q: Which process in plants is not controlled by hormones?
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Is flowering in plants controlled by plant hormones?

Plants produce hormones and respond to external stimuli, growing towards sources of water and light, which they need to survive.

Plants grow toward light through the action of?

Plants grow toward light through a process called phototropism. This is controlled by the plant hormone auxin, which causes cells on the shaded side of the plant to elongate, bending the plant towards the light source.

Why do plants need hormones that have the opposite effects?

Why do plants need hormones that have the opposite effects

How do hormones effect plants?

okay hormones are in humans....not in PLANTS!!!!*actually plants do have hormones (auxin, ethylene, etc) someone hasn't been paying attention in biology

Is the secretion of pituitary hormones largely controlled by the thalamus?

No, the secretion of pituitary hormones is largely controlled by the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus produces releasing and inhibiting hormones that regulate the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland. The thalamus is primarily involved in relaying sensory information to the cerebral cortex.

How is the secretory activity of the adenohypophysis controlled?

Two of the hormones that are released are Growth hormones, and melanocyte-stimulating hormones.

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Does the roots produce hormones?

Phytohormones referred to as plant hormones.Plant hormones are chemical molecules which are produced in plants and cause it to grow. Yes plants produce hormones.

Hormones in plants?


How do hormones travel to their targets in animal cells and in plant cells.?

The process is different for plants and animals. In animals, the hormones are transported by the circulatory system, which eventually allows them to reach the target cells with appropriate receptors. In plants, the hormones are signal molecules, and they're not produced in large concentrations; they regulate targeted cellular processes in the plant that produces them.

What are controlled by hormones?

There are many functions controlled by hormones. Hormones regulate many processes in the body like blood pressure, blood glucose levels, growth and development, and excretion by the kidneys. These are just some of the many processes and systems that the body regulates through hormones. Hormones are usually found as peptides or steroids and act through an intercellular second messenger system.

Do organic or inorganic hormones help plants grow faster?

All hormones are organic.