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Q: Which process occurs when light is emitted in all directions?
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What process occurs when light is emitted in directions?

Scattering. The location inside the Earth where an earthquake begins is called the focus.

What process when light is emitted in all directions?

Scattering. The location inside the Earth where an earthquake begins is called the focus.

Where does light travel to?

Light emitted by any light source - say, by a lamp, or by the Sun - travels in all directions.

One indicator that electrons in atoms are limited to specific energy levels is that?

light emitted from excited atoms occurs only at specific wavelengths

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What is a Chemical light?

You are probably thinking of chemiluminescence. This occurs during a chemical reaction when light is emitted. Search luminol.

Which process is responsible for the light emitted by main sequence starts?

Nuclear Fusion

What energy given off by burning matchstick?

The energy given off by burning a matchstick is mainly in the form of heat and light. The heat is a result of the exothermic combustion reaction that occurs when the matchstick is ignited, and the light is emitted as a by-product of the combustion process.

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Occurs when light is reflected in many directions from a rough surface?

Diffuse reflection

What is the Process that occurs in chloroplasts is called what?

Photosysnthesis occurs in chloroplast. Light independent occurs at the stroma whereas light dependant occurs in the thylakoid.