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Q: Which process releases CO2 in the atmosphere?
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The process of decay releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

The process of decay releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

What is the major process which adds CO2 to the atmosphere?

Photosynthesis is a process that removes co2 from the atmosphere.

How can you prevent co2 from entering the atmosphere?

from outside the atmosphere? there is no problem regarding that because space is a vacuum. BUT CO2 has already entered our atmosphere. As long as there are organisms that thrive through the process of respiration, you can't eliminate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Even the earth itself releases carbon dioxide without the help of organisms. --- ANSWER: DEPENDS. ^_^

Environmental consequence of using fossil fuels?

Burning fossil fuels releases CO2, carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. CO2 is a green house gas that traps the heat of the sun in our atmosphere

Which process releases most of the oxygen you have in your atmosphere?

Photosynthesisplants: photosynthesis

Does combustion release oxygen into the atmosphere?

no it burns the oxygen and releases co2 (carbondioxide) among other pollutants

Can photosynthesis release oxygen?

Yes, the process of photosynthesis releases the O2 (oxygen) in CO2.

What delivers oxygen and removes carbon dioxide?

A green leaf plant. It absorbs CO2. With the aid of UV light (Sunlight/daylight) and chlorophyll in the plant, it breaks down the CO2 , in the process of photosynthesis, in to Carbo(Biomass of the plant) and releases oxygen back into the atmosphere.

Which natural process does not release CO2 into the atmosphere?

Photosynthesis does not.A:The photosynthesis process in vegetation, plants and trees does release CO2. Not only that, it also captures it again from the atmosphere. The photosynthesis process is part of a larger natural process called the Carbon Cycle. In this cycle, oceans release and capture CO2 too.

What is the process that releases energy from food in the prescence of oxygen?

oxygen + glucose = engergy + CO2 + H2O

Are fossil fuels carbon-based?

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon into the atmosphere in the form of CO2. Yes.

Does photosynthesis releases moisture into the atmosphere?

No, photosynthesis is the food making process for plants which uses the formula; Carbon Dioxide+ Water + light (energy)=glucose + Energy, OR , CO2 + H2O+light (energy) = Glucose + Energy. This process occurs in the leaf but does not cause transpiration.