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Mainly plants because their roots absorb water and pull it into the soil or if some soils are more absorbent than others.

I don't think there are certain processes though.

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Q: Which processes move water into the ground?
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How does a plant move water from the ground?

plant move water from the ground by its roots

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How does ground water move?

it goes through aqifiers

What do particles in the water move?

The processes involved are evaporation, condensation and precipitation.These are performed in movement of water.

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ground water plants.

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Gravitational Water

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It is called percolation of water. The water molecules enter the soil and move downward by gravitational force. This is how the ground water table is recharged with water.

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Generally, these processes are referred to as transportation, the movement of sediment during erosion, via wind, ice, or water.

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ice, wind, and water when they start to move things

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No, it's a ground type move

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the processes that move water, and stores are storage of water stored in lakes rocks soil or vegetation etc............................ :D

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They move around in water using their feet or claws,but if they are in your hand or on ground they push off of the ground with their feet. It usually looks like they are crawling.