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Assembly language is the programming language that always has a one to one correspondence for a line of code in that language and a line of code in machine language

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Q: Which programming language is always a one to one correspondence for a line of code in that language and a line of code in machine language?
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What language can a computer always understand?

I have only a vague understanding of your question, but I'll take it as "why computers can understand language". :P.- they don't-they only seem to cause it was written in their program.if it meant "what language computers understand",-programming language.-go search up wikipedia on this one.

What was the most used computer language?

There is (and always was) only one computer language: binary (also known as machine code). In order to create machine code programs, programmers use computer programming languages, both low-level and high-level (the level indicating the amount of abstraction between the source code and the resultant machine code). The most-used programming language today is Java, however it is only suitable for applications programming. The most-used general purpose language is C++.

Which is the earliest computer language?

One of the earliest computer languages is Assembly language, developed in the 1940s. It is a low-level programming language that directly corresponds to machine code instructions.

In switch case programming why are some parameters always in brackets?

There are syntax rules that are to be followed in every programming language and similar is the case here. These rules are a part of the Java language specification.

How many programming languages does the average computer scientist know?

Humans do not write programs using computer language (machine code) we use symbolic programming languages. This wasn't always the case, of course, but humans were speaking "human language" long before we learned to program computers. Without that simple ability we wouldn't be able to communicate with each other let alone invent a programmable machine.

What symbol or character determines end of string?

In C programming language, a string is an array of characters which is always terminated by a NULL character: '\0'

What is the difference between assembly language program and high level language program?

There is very little difference, functionally, between assembly language and machine level language. Each assembly language statement corresponds to one machine instruction. The difference is in readability (who wants to read and write in hex code?) and in ease of address computation.

How can you translate natural language in to programming language?

Natural language can be translated into programming language using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques such as parsing, tokenization, and semantic analysis. This process involves converting human language into structured representations that can be understood and executed by computers. Tools like compilers or interpreters can further process this structured representation into executable code in a specific programming language.

What is difference between machine code and assembly language?

Machine language is the actual instructions in computer memory that are fetched into the processor and executed. It is directly executable and consists of what look to most human beings like a bunch of hexadecimal numbers, though a few geeks such as myself can tell it is code instead of numbers. For example, the instructions executing interrupt 21, service 10, are: B410 CD21 Assembly language is a human readable as mnemonics, it translates on a one for one basis into machine language. The computer cannot execute assembly language directly, but human beings who are trained can understand it. The assembly language equivalent of the above instructions is: MOV AH,10 ; prepare for service 10 by putting 10 into AH INT 21 ; vectors into code established in the interrupt table

How did programming code exist?

Writing machine code by hand is extremely difficult, laborious and prone to human error. Machine code is the native language of the machine and is difficult for humans to interpret. To make it easier, programmers write simple translation programs that allow the computer to convert code written in a symbolic language into its own native machine code. Symbolic languages range from low-level to high-level. The more high-level, the easier it is for humans to read and maintain the code. High-level code is generally portable -- the same code can be translated for any machine that has a suitable translator. At one time there were no programming languages at all, all machine code had to be written entirely by hand. However, the computer can easily be programmed to translate a low-level symbolic language using very little machine code. These primitive languages became known as assembly languages and the translation program became known as an assembler. Once we had one assembler for one type of machine, we could use it to create assemblers for other types of machine. We could also use the assembler to create better translators that could work with more complex symbolic languages. These complex translators went on to become the compilers and interpreters we see today. Note that before we can program a new translator, we must first develop a language for it to translate. Typically the two will evolve together but we always start with the language, formalising its grammar or syntax and mapping the machine's instruction set to abstractions and language facilities that are more easily understood by humans. Once a language and its translator have evolved sufficiently it may be standardised, thus allowing other programmers to implement their own translators based upon the standard and thus ensuring the same source code will compile to machine code regardless of which translator is used.

Is math needed in todays society?

It certainly is, and will probably always be. Math can be compared to a logical language. Also, it is needed when building structures, programming, and very much needed in the modern science of physics.

Has language always existed?

yes language has always existed