

Which programming language should you learn with net?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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I'm somewhat confused... If you're asking what language should I learn, with the language I already know which is

Then I'd say Delphi.

If your saying what met language should I learn then I would say. or also known as vb8.

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What programming language should I learn?

If you are a beginner then you should know that the basic of all programming languages is c, you can also learn c++ as they are quite similar, once completed with these basics u can learn Java, .NET, oracle and others

.net is the programming language?

No. .NET is a framework, not a programming language. It is the common framework used by the C#, F# and Visual Basic programming languages.

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Yes, is a programming language that utilizes the Microsoft .Net framework

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No. .NET programming is Microsoft-specific, similar to Java in some respects, but it is non-portable. C++ is a general purpose and cross-platform programming language.

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PHP is simpler and also better, personally i recommend you to learn php. First thing you should know about programming is it never ends.. Everyday programmers develops new functions/classes and also availabilities of programming languages increases.. What you need to start is learning basic and default codes which comes with php engine. Download PHP Engine from: Then use to learn php after that to extend your knowledge use to find out what functions exists and how you should use them. If you do what i told you, after a month you will become a programmer, if you already know another programming language i believe you can learn php in a week. Keep it in mind before starting PHP you should know HTML which can be learn by same site (

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dot net version 2.2