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Q: Which programming tool is helpful in tracing the logical errors?
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What is Logic error in java programming?

Logical errors are grammatical errors or mistakes made by a programmer in java, it may not affect the program design but it can change the context of the statements.

What is used to find logical errors in programming?

Checking the output you get for different inputs; checking the source code; carrying out a debugging session.

Typographical errors or incorrect use of the programming language are referred to as?

Syntax errors

What are the different types of error that comes in c plus plus programming?

There are 3 different fundamental types of errors in ANY programming language: 1) Syntax errors: code is written incorrectly and can not be used by the computer 2) Logical errors: the code is syntactically correct, but does not do what it is supposed to do. 3) Run time errors: The code is syntactically correct, but when it is executed, the computer enters some sort of illegal state that must be handled in order to proceed, or the program will crash. Run time errors are things like running out of memory, division by zero, segmentation faults and etc...

Why do humans make logical errors in problem solving and decision making?

humans do logical errors in problem solving and decision making because of non-existence of sufficient ....WISDOM.

Why do video game get programming errors?

They make errors so you have to BUY another video game!

Identifying and removing errors in programming code is called?


Do bugs always result from programming error?

No,It might also be due to compiler errors which result in unnecessary display of errors

Which of the following can be a result of a person's logic containing errors that weaken his or her argument?

A logical fallacy

Examples of logical errors in c program?

Logical errors :- These errors occur because of logically incorrect instructions in the program. Let us assume that in a 1000 line program, if there should be an instruction, which multiplies two numbers and is wrongly written to perform addition. This logically incorrect instruction may produce wrong results. Detecting such errors are difficult.

How do you prevent syntax in programming?

Not possible; syntax cannot be avoided. (Syntax errors can be though.)

What type of errors we have in Java programming?

syntax error, Runtime error, Longic error