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Q: Which pronouns is acceptable to use in persuasive essay?
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Can you use the word 'you' in a persuasive essay?

It depends on the teacher.

Can you use bullet points in a persuasive essay?

You should not use bullet points in persuasive essay. You have to explain everything you say in a complete sentence to make sure the reader understands what he/or she is reading.

Should you avoid using pronouns in an essay?

No, you should use the pronoun only a few times at a time in an essay. You don't want to use pronouns for the entire essay. If you did, other people might get confused on what you are talking about.

Can you use 1st person pronouns in a hypothesis?

Never Ever use personal pronouns in a essay or a hypothesis :)

Good persuasive essay topics?

Good persuasive essay topics are the ones for which you can develop an effective arguments. Avoid topics that are strictly opinion-based and use sound, logical arguments.

What is a way to narrow your topic for a persuasive essay?

use narrowing tree friends

What is a persuasive essay?

A persuasive essay has the goal of convincing the audience to believe or to do something.A persuasive essay attempts to convince the audience to believe as you do. With all the facts and information that you supply, it urges the audience to adopt your conclusions on the topic.It attempts to convince readers to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action.A persuasive essay is an essay that tries to get you to do something, like when you read an essay it makes you feel compelled to do something. A petition can be considered as a persuasive essay if its written in that format because its trying to persuade you to do something.

Is it necessary to use the writing process for persuasive essays?

yes it is, you should use the writing process with any kind of essay writing

What is impersonal essay?

An impersonal essay is a completely unbiased account of facts. It should not use any first person pronouns, such as I or me. It does not include the writer's opinion.

Can you use I in a persuasive essay?

You can use I in a persuasive essay, however, it's usually strongly frowned upon. The reason you don't want to use I in a persuasive essay is because it implies that the information you are giving is your opinion, rather than fact.

How might you use comparing and contrasting in a persuasive essay or a cause and effect essay?

sorry, i only know about cause and effect. I honestly thought about the persuasive essay but I couldn't figure out a decent answer. I'm so sorry. :( Cause and effect essay - You could compare and contrast the differences between the phrase of the cause and same with effect. Tell about how they are different and how they have different meanings.