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Q: Which property of gold is NOT a reason why gold is often used to make metals?
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Which metals are often used for jewellery?

Gold and silver.

Which property of metals make them suitable for use in jewelry?

The most important property of the metals that are suitable for jewellery is that they do not oxidize easily. These metals are at the bottom of the activity series, and they are copper, silver, mercury, platinum, gold.

What chemical property do substances like gold display?

Noble metals have a low reactivity.

Who have the better heat transfer property?

Metals as silver, gold, copper have great thermal conductivity.

What chemical property do substancrs like gold display?

Noble metals have a low chemical reactivity.

Is ductile a non metal or metal?

Ductile metals are metals that5 can be shaped and pulled. Gold is a example of a ductile metal so in other words, yes it is a type of metals. Ductility is a property of some metals. It is also a property of materials other than metal.

What are two metals that are drawn into wires?

yes this is because one specific property of most metals is ductility which is the property of being able to be drawn into wires. This property can be attributed to metals mobile electron structure.

Is ductility physical or chemical?

Ductility, the property of a substance to be drawn out into a thin wire is a physical property associated with some metals, such as gold, silver and copper.

Which non-metal is most often found combined with gold and other metals?


Is a gold bar pure or mixture?

A bar of 24 karat gold is pure gold. Any lower number, it is a mixture of gold with other metals.

Why is gold often found as a metal in the ground?

Metals found native in the ground are metals which are so unreactive that they are still found unchanged or "native"

What type of element or compound is gold?

pure gold is a element and is a metal. But it is too soft and thus it is often alloyed with other metals