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Q: Which property of life is responsible for changes seen in organisms over time?
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You must consult with an attorney in your state. Generally, the life tenant is legally responsible for the property taxes but state laws vary.

Is the estate responsible for upkeep of the property?

Yes. Unless there was some other arrangement made in the will such as a life estate where the life tenant is responsible or the beneficiary is made responsible.

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Q. Who is responsible for homeowners insurance the beneficiary of the trust or the person with a life estate interest in the property? A. If the property is a (personal residence, family farm, rental property or even a vacation property) held in trust.Regardless of a life estate for a named beneficiary. The property tax payable would be the responsibility of the owner of the property listed on the property deed. In this case it appears that the owner of the property is the trust. Therefore the trust would be responsible for the tax. The remainderman beneficiary nor the current beneficiary enjoying a life estate in the property would owe the property tax.

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Freeze-drying blueberries to extend their shelf life

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john Locke believed that all people had the natural rights of Life, Liberty, and Property. Thomas Jefferson borrowed the Life and Liberty, but changes the Property to pursuit of happiness.

May occur in the cell shape of some unicellular organisms as life functions are carried out?

Changes may occur in the cell shape

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Seek legal advice from a law professional as laws differ in states and countries

How the functioning of organisms relates to the human genes?

Basically genes encodes the basic function of an organism.genes are encoded in D.N.A(building block of life) like a chain. there may be upto nearly 20,000 genes linked in an individual D.N.A. the basic evolutionary characters of each organisms(including human) with step by step changes in it are all encoded and itself updates according to changes in day to day life of the organisms