

Which property of light cause Shadow?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Which property of light cause Shadow?
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Does the light of the moon cause a physical shadow?

A shadow is caused when there is less light or no light in an area. An object can block the light and thereby cause a shadow. If the light reflecting off the moon is a source of light, objects blocking this light can cause a shadow.

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Opaque objects do not let light to past through so it will not cause a shadow. Because light cannot get through an opaque object, it will cast a shadow on the side opposite of the light.

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What property of light allows eclipse to be formed?

Light travels in straight lines. When the light hits the object it is stopped but the light at the edges continues to travel in a straight line so there is a shadow.The shadow is not black because another property of light. It can be reflected . When it hits an object some light is reflected. If the object is not perfectly smooth the light is scattered when it reflects.Light is reflected more from light colored objects than darker objects. So in a well lit area where there are plenty of surfaces the shadow will be less dark.A further property of light is that it will slightly bend around the corners of sharp objects. So if you look carefully you will see that the edges of a shadow are sometimes blurred. Usually this property is observed in the physics lab.Blurred edges of a shadow are more likely to occur from multiple light sources making a superimposed shadow.

Do different types of light cause different types of shadow?

no except UV lights as they do not portray any shadow

Did light have shadow?

light did not had shadow and will not have shadow.

What cause the shadow of an object to be dark?

because no light or sun gets behind it

Can reflection cause shadow?

The reflection of you in a mirror is different from you seeing a shawdow of you on the ground or wall. If a light or the sun is facing the mirror or you at a certain angle, the reflection of whatever is in the mirror can cause a shadow.

Why will the official groundhog see his shadow every year no matter what the weather is?

Because the light coming from the sun, even through clouds will cause a shadow.

How can a shadow be reflected?

It is actually impossible to reflect a shadow, as a shadow is merely an absence of light. However, what IS reflected is the light surrounding the shadow. When this light is reflected, it forms a reflected image of the light's shape, complete with a lack of light, or shadow. In this way, it can look like a shadow is reflected.

Can a reflection be a shadow?

It is actually impossible to reflect a shadow, as a shadow is merely an absence of light. However, what IS reflected is the light surrounding the shadow. When this light is reflected, it forms a reflected image of the light's shape, complete with a lack of light, or shadow. In this way, it can look like a shadow is reflected.