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Q: Which prophet's wife died as part of his prophecy?
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The prophets wife Ayesha (RA) did not remarry after Prophets death.

In Illinois when your grandfather died your mom was to inherit part of his estate upon the death of his current wife but your mom died before his wife when his wife dies can you claim her part?

It will depend on exactly how the will was written. Consult a probate attorney in Illinois to get it resolved.

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Khadija (God be pleased with her) was working in merchandise, she also owned 80000 Camels, she managed her fathers business after he past away. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was shepherd (as most God prophets before prophecy)) and then he worked in merchandise.

Who were the last prophets wife?

Maymounah bint Al-Harith Al-Helaleyah

Whose wife brought Daniels gift of prophecy to her husbands attention?

Daniel's wife brought his gift of prophecy to her husband's attention. According to the Book of Daniel in the Bible, Daniel's wife told her husband about his ability to interpret dreams and visions, which eventually led to him serving as an advisor to King Nebuchadnezzar.

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easy his wife he died in about 2003 while his wife died in the nineties about 1991 or 1992

Who is nahreen?

Nahreen was one of Jesus Prophets Wife. Maybe instead you should read the bible insteading of this

How did Abraham's wife react when he died?

Abraham died before his wife did, nitwit.

What did Harry Houdini do after his wife died?

ummm.... actually, Harry died before his wife, Bess, died.

Who keeps wedding ring after divorce if wife is deceased in Louisiana?

The wedding ring is the property of the person who it was given to. If the deceased wife had it in her possession when she died, then it will form part of her estate and go to her heirs.

Since his wife ( die )………, he ( not be ) ………………..out?

since his wife died he has not been out

What is one thing the witches did not tell Macbeth?

There were lots of things that they didn't tell him, such as, that actually murdering Duncan would drive him and his wife insane, that Macduff had been born by Caesarian section and that for the purposes of their prophecy, that did not make him "born of woman", that any part of Birnam wood coming to Dunsinane would fulfill their prophecy, and that what had been predicted would happen no matter what he did.