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Quotation marks, parentheses, and brackets are punctuation marks that are commonly used in pairs. These pairs serve to set off or provide additional information within a sentence.

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Q: Which punctuation mark is often used in pairs?
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What punctuation mark often used to insert explanatory text into a quotation?

Quotation marks " "

Is an apostrophe a punctuation mark?

Yes, an apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to indicate either possession or contraction in writing.

What is the punctuation mark below the quotation mark called?

The punctuation mark below the quotation mark is called an "underline" or "underscore." It is often used in academic writing to emphasize or highlight a specific word or phrase within the quotation.

Is it called a punctuation mark or a pronunciation mark?

It is called a punctuation mark. Punctuation marks are used in writing to help convey meaning and indicate pauses, emphasis, or structure within sentences. Pronunciation marks are not commonly used terminology in language and grammar.

Witch punctuation mark should be used in social security number?

The punctuation mark that should be used in the social security number is the hyphen.

What is puctuation and what are the pricipal marks of punctuation?

Punctuation refers to the symbols used in writing to enhance clarity and meaning by indicating pauses, emphasis, and sentence structure. The principal marks of punctuation include the period (.), comma (,), question mark (?), exclamation point (!), colon (:), semicolon (;), dash (-), hyphen (-), parentheses (()), quotation marks (""), and apostrophe (').

Do you put a comma after a punctuation?

No, typically a comma is not placed after a punctuation mark such as a period, question mark, or exclamation point. Commas are used to separate elements within a sentence.

Why is a punctuation mark used at the end of a statement?

A punctuation mark is put at the end of a sentence to denote the conclusion of an idea. The punctuation mark used here is mainly a period. However, if you use a question mark at the end of a sentence, then it is used to denote that the material before the question mark was a question. An exclamation mark is used to add emphasis to the before-stated material.

Is carat punctuation mark?

A carat (^) is a symbol used in mathematics and computing to represent exponentiation. It is not a punctuation mark.

What is the punctuation mark called for titles?

The punctuation mark used for titles is called a colon (:). It is commonly used to separate the title from a subtitle or to introduce a list.

What is question mark?

A question mark is a punctuation mark used to end an interrogatory sentence.

What is the punctuation mark of exlamatory?

The punctuation mark for exclamatory sentences is an exclamation point (!). It is used to show strong emotion, excitement, or emphasis in a sentence.