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Most quadrilaterals. The only exceptions are rectangles (including squares).

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Q: Which quadrilaterials could have a 45 degrees vertex angle?
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What measure of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of its two remote interior angles?

The 3rd angle of the triangle could be 90 degrees because the 3 angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

In which region of angle CAB does point B lie?

the letter C lies on top, the first point of the angle. A is the "vertex" it connects both lines to form an angle the bottom could be letter B. "<" that's an angle. B and C could never be on the Vertex.

What is the name of the angle whose vertex is c?

It could be called angle C, as long as that name is unambiguous.

How to draw 174 and name type of angle?

To draw an angle of 174 degrees, you can follow these steps: Draw a straight line using a ruler or straightedge. This will be one side of the angle. At one end of the line, use a compass to draw an arc of 174 degrees, making sure that the arc intersects the line you drew in step 1. Without changing the width of the compass, place the point of the compass at the other end of the line you drew in step 1, and draw another arc that intersects the first arc you drew in step 2. Draw a line connecting the endpoint of the line and the intersection point of the two arcs, creating the second side of the angle. Label the vertex of the angle with a capital letter. To name the angle, you can use the vertex letter and the endpoint letters, in that order, with the vertex letter in the middle. In this case, the angle could be named "angle BAC" or "angle CAB", depending on which endpoint you choose to name first. As for the type of angle, an angle of 174 degrees is an obtuse angle because it measures greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

What are angles that do not share a vertex?

Well it could be complementary or supplementary because they don't have to share a vertex yet I think you mean something like the vertical angle. You can go research vertical angles. I'll give you a link for the vertical angles.

Why is there degrees in an angle?

So you could measure the angle.

What quadrilaterals could have a 45 vertex angle?

A rhombus, trapezoid or parallelogram could all contain a 45 degree vertex. Squares and rectangles only have 90 degree vertices.

Which quadrilaterals could have a 45 degree vertex angle?

A rhombus, trapezoid or parallelogram could all contain a 45 degree vertex. Squares and rectangles only have 90 degree vertices.

Which quad could have a 45 vertex angle?

trapezoid, parallelogram, and rhombus (people call it the diamond)

Which type of angle could measure 165 degrees?

An obtuse angle

How do you Identify the angles degrees?

a right angle is 90 degrees a straight angle is 180 degrees you could also use a anglicize

How could you describe each angle using benchmark angles?

A "benchmark angle" is a simple one like 45, 90, 180 degrees. I think this question is about a diagram which I don't see. As a matter of fact, the browser makes it impossible to draw diagrams . . . the best we can do is to describe the diagram in words. e.g. "In isosceles triangle ABC, A is the vertex and D is the midpoint of BC. If angle B is 50 degrees, what is the measure of angle BAD?