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Q: Which racial group would not be considered a minority in the US?
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Which racial group would not be considered a minority in the?


Who is a minority student?

The term minority student would normally be used to refer to a student who belongs to what is known as a visible minority, which is to say, the student in question has some visible racial characteristic such as skin color or type of facial features by which it can be seen that he or she belongs to a racial minority. There are all sorts of minorities, but not all of them are visible. Atheists are outnumbered by theists, but you have no way to tell that someone is an atheist just by looking at them, you have to actually talk to them to find that out. Gay students may or may not be considered to be minority students; social attitudes vary, in different locations, about whether this should be considered a minority group.

When did each become a significant or notable minority group?

For someone to know when the minority group became significant or notable they would have to k own what the minority groups are. Not knowing why the groups are will not allow them to know this.

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Would the KKK be considered a reform group?

No, it would be considered a hate group.

What is a society in which race and racism are no longer issues would be considered?

post racial

Is saying get away Pakistani racial by an 8 year old child to another child who is not from Pakistan?

The child learned it from someone with a very racial bias. It would certainly be considered a racial remark.

Does minority health mean the same as poor health?

Minority health does not mean poor health, although the exact meaning would depend upon context; chances are it refers to the prevalent level of health of some minority group, which might be either good health or bad health, depending upon which minority group we are considering.

What are the consequences of lynching?

Consequences surrounding "Racism" are as varied as the people that are involved (which is to say wide / a lot). Most reactions to racism, racial comments or slurs, are negative in modern social groups. Please note however that if your social group is a racist group this would not be the case. Reactions by minority groups to racism is just as varied. Some ignore the person as ignorant while others will react violently. Please note that this answer is not all encompassing, and never could be, it is given in an attempt to show the broad spectrum of reaction to those making racial comments as well as those that receive them (both majority and minority reactions.

Who is a non Arab minority group living in northern Iraq that would like their own country?

The Kurds

Are Asians included in the minority group?

You would need to specify WHERE - in some parts of the world they are, and in some parts they are not.

Is age group considered to be an ethnic group?

No it's considered a peer group. Different aged people a ethnic group would fall into peer groups