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Eastern China has a greater population density compared to western China. This is due to factors such as historical population distribution patterns, economic development, and geographical features that have influenced settlement patterns. The eastern region, which includes major cities like Shanghai and Beijing, has higher population density as it is more urbanized and developed.

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Q: Which region eastern or western china has greater population density?
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Do all parts of China have a dense population?

No, population density varies across different regions of China. Eastern and coastal regions tend to be more densely populated than western and rural areas. Cities such as Shanghai and Beijing have high population density compared to rural provinces like Tibet and Qinghai.

What factors affected the population density in Western Europe around 1000 AD?

Factors that affected population density in Western Europe around 1000 AD included agricultural advancements like the three-field system, which increased food production. Additionally, technological improvements in plows and mills helped increase efficiency. Political stability and urbanization also played a role in shaping population density during this time.

Was the west densely populated in 1781?

The western regions of North America in 1781 were generally sparsely populated compared to the eastern coastal areas. Native American tribes and some European settlers lived in these regions, but the population density was much lower than in the eastern colonies.

Why is western Europe so densely populated?

Western Europe is densely populated due to its favorable climate, productive agricultural land, access to waterways for trade and transportation, historical development of cities, and economic opportunities. Additionally, social and political stability in the region have also contributed to attracting a high concentration of people.

What is thepopulation density in most parts of belgium?

The population density in most parts of Belgium is relatively high, with an average of around 975 people per square kilometer. This is due to the country's small size and high level of urbanization, especially in cities like Brussels, Antwerp, and Ghent.

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Why it there more light pollution in the eastern United States than in the western United States?

because population density is far greater in the east.

What is the population density of Western Tokyo?

Western Tokyo's population density is 3,529.83 people per square kilometer.

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Eastern provinces typically have a larger population density, are more urbanized, and have a greater diversity of cultures. Western provinces are often characterized by more open spaces, natural resources, and a higher dependence on industries like agriculture and resource extraction. Additionally, the eastern provinces tend to have older histories and more established infrastructure compared to the western provinces.

What hemisphere has a larger population the eastern or western?

The Eastern Hemisphere has a larger population than the Western Hemisphere. This is mainly due to the high populations of countries in Asia and Africa, which are located in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Around 1000 ad in western Europe the density of the population was affected by which of these?

The terrain, the amount of rainfall, and the quality of the soil affected the population density in Western Europe around 1000 AD.

Do all parts of China have a dense population?

No, population density varies across different regions of China. Eastern and coastal regions tend to be more densely populated than western and rural areas. Cities such as Shanghai and Beijing have high population density compared to rural provinces like Tibet and Qinghai.

Why does western Europe have a larger population than Eastern Europe?

Western Europe can sustain a larger population mainly because it is not corrupt. Eastern Europe also has more people leaving than coming.

What part of Europe-eastern or western- has a great number of languages in the smallest geographic area?

Eastern Europe probably has a greater number of languages, but is larger than Western Europe.

Where is most of Western European population concentrated?

A population density map of Europe is included in the link below.

Why do you think most of Russia's population is west of the Ural mountains?

The western part of Russia has a milder climate, more fertile land for agriculture, and historically has been more connected to Europe for trade and cultural exchange. This has led to a higher population density in the western regions compared to the more remote and harsher eastern regions.

The population of western Ireland is 50 and 100 people per square mile?

The population density of western Ireland is 75 people per square mile.

What 2 nations have the highest population density in western Europe?

portugal and united kingdom