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Hinduism is the religion that divides families into four castes known as varnas: Brahmins (priests and scholars), Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers), Vaishyas (merchants and farmers), and Shudras (laborers). These caste divisions are hierarchical and traditionally determined by birth, leading to limited social mobility and interaction among the castes.

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Q: Which religion divides families into four castes which rarely mix?
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How is the caste system related to induism?

The caste system is a social hierarchy that has historically been associated with Hinduism and its beliefs about societal order and reincarnation. It divides society into different social groups based on birth and assigns specific roles and duties to each group. While the caste system is not a religious doctrine, it has been deeply ingrained in the social structure of Hindu society for centuries.

How many times a year do the Gods allow mortals to see them?

There is no definitive answer to this question as beliefs and myths about the interactions between gods and mortals vary across different cultures and religions. In Greek mythology, for example, interactions between gods and mortals were fairly common. In some traditions, gods are believed to be ever-present and can be seen or felt by those who are receptive to their presence.

Do religious beliefs and laws work together?

Religious beliefs and laws can work together when they align on shared values such as justice and kindness. However, conflicts can arise when religious beliefs advocate practices that conflict with established laws, leading to debates over issues like freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. Ultimately, finding a balance between respecting religious beliefs and upholding the law is a complex and ongoing process in many societies.

What religion was Tupac Shakur?

His parents were Christian. But he was a Deist. In his interviews and music he clearly professed to believe in a deity but religion made him suspicious He didnt like clergy or organized religion

What was Saint Thomas Aquinas' nickname?

Saint Thomas Aquinas is commonly referred to as the "Angelic Doctor" due to his profound writings and teachings on theology and philosophy that were seen as inspired and enlightening.

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Donald is a Protestant. He rarely speaks about religion.

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It rarely happens. When it does, it is because they think their religion is better. It is ironic that religious groups that force their religion on others hate it the most when other do the same to them.

What is Timmy Turner's religion?

This is a children's cartoon. The religious persuasion of characters are rarely, if ever, touched upon.

How do atheists celebrate birthdays?

Just like anyone else! Birthday celebrations rarely have anything to do with religion.

How can religion be used to bridge the gap existing among communities in today's context?

Religion does prove useful at times in maintaining group cohesion and discipline, but rarely assists in bridging gaps between or among communities. Instead, religion has a powerful tendency to divide. Even when two communities adopt the same religion, that religion sooner or later splits, creating new divisions, as we see between communities that follow Shia Islam and Sunni Islam, or Catholic and Protestant Christianity.The one way religion can sometimes be used, although in practice this is rarely tried, is to appeal to the common message of all religion, for peace and goodwill.

What would be your religion if your mom wore a sari?

A sari really isn't a religious clothing but is mostly worn in Southwest Asia and rarely in the Middle East

What was ann Romney's religion before converting to Mormanism?

Ann Romney's father, Edward Davies, was raised as a congregationalist but was quite opposed to organized religion when Ann was growing up. They rarely attended church, but when they did it was usually an Episcopalian church.

How do you say nana in France?

"nana" (meaning grand-mother) is "mamie", more rarely "mémé". Many families have their own naming. It could be "mamou" or any other name.

Nose is bigger on one side?

Yes. Because the nasal septum that divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves rarely lies in the mid line. More info here: