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Christianity gained more followers after the execution of its main founder, Jesus Christ. His resurrection and teachings of love and forgiveness inspired many to join the early Christian community.

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Q: Which religion gained more followers after the execution of its main founder?
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What is Subgenius?

Subgenius is a satirical religion that pokes fun at organized religion, conspiracy theories, and popular culture. It was founded in the 1950s and gained a small following due to its bizarre beliefs and humorous approach to spirituality. Followers of Subgenius often refer to themselves as "Bob" to mock the idea of a singular divine figure.

What religion came to china from India and gained many followers?

Buddhism originated in India and spread to China, gaining many followers over the centuries. Buddhist teachings were introduced to China via trade routes, leading to the establishment of monasteries and the translation of texts into Chinese. Buddhism became a major influence on Chinese culture, art, and philosophy.

Is Jedi a recognised religion?

Jediism, inspired by the fictional Jedi Order in Star Wars, has gained recognition as a religious movement in some countries. However, it is not widely recognized as a mainstream religion and is often seen as more of a cultural or philosophical movement.

What religion gained influence n songhai under askia the great?

Under Askia the Great, Islam gained significant influence in the Songhai Empire. Askia the Great was a devout Muslim ruler who promoted the spread of Islam through his policies, leading to its widespread adoption among the population. He supported Islamic education, built mosques, and made pilgrimage to Mecca, solidifying Islam's influence in Songhai.

Is St. Dominic the founder of scapular?

St. Dominic is not the founder of the scapular. The scapular is believed to have originated from the monastic tradition as a form of religious habit. The scapular gained popularity through various Marian apparitions and has become associated with different religious orders, but it was not founded by St. Dominic.

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Has Islam gained or lost followers?

Islam is always gaining followers as converts from other religions.

Who was the founder of the first ancient Greece university?

The word university as we know it comes from the Middle Ages. Greek learning schools were centered on a philosopher who gained a circle of followers , but that did not match what we call a university in size or diversity.

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Neither man had an empire. Spartacus was a rebel slave and gained followers by winning initial victories over the Romans. He gained his followers by promises of freedom and loot. Crassus was the Roman general who defeated and punished Spartacus. His followers were the Roman army.

Where was isalm founded?

Muhammad was the prophet, he was meditating in a cave outside of Mecca when a voice called to him. This voice was believed to be Allah (the one god of Islam). This religion was not allowed in Mecca for fear the monotheistic religion (belief in only one god) would cause citizens to lose respect for traditional Arab gods. Due to this he and his early followers moved to Medina where the religion was accepted and her gained more followers. Later Muhammad and 10,000 of his followers returned to Mecca and took over. Mecca became known as the location of Islam.

Who is the founder of bhuddism?

Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. He was known as Buddha because he had gained knowledge (Buddh).

The person who spread Christianity throughout the roman empire?

There was not one person who spread Christianity throughout the Roman empire. Christianity began its expansion by the efforts of the original apostles and Paul. These men gained followers who in turn gained followers and the movement snowballed.

What gained importance as the Roman Empire declined?


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it was an autocratic leadership he gained followers by striking fear into them with his secret police force

Who was Spartacus and what was he famous for?

Spartacus was a slave gladiator who escaped with a few followers, gained more followers until he had a sizeable army of escaped slaves and then terrorized the Italian peninsula.

What is Subgenius?

Subgenius is a satirical religion that pokes fun at organized religion, conspiracy theories, and popular culture. It was founded in the 1950s and gained a small following due to its bizarre beliefs and humorous approach to spirituality. Followers of Subgenius often refer to themselves as "Bob" to mock the idea of a singular divine figure.

What religion came to china from India and gained many followers?

Buddhism originated in India and spread to China, gaining many followers over the centuries. Buddhist teachings were introduced to China via trade routes, leading to the establishment of monasteries and the translation of texts into Chinese. Buddhism became a major influence on Chinese culture, art, and philosophy.

Which group gained religious freedom from the peace of Augsburg?

Neither the Anabaptists (followers of Ulrich Zwingli) or the southern reformed churches (followers of John Calvin) were included in the Peace of Augsburg.