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Q: Which religion group preached that the second coming of Christ would happen on October 22 1844?
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What religious group preached that the Second Coming of Christ would happen on October 22 1844?


Which religious groups preached that the Second Coming of Christ would happen on October 22 1844?

The religious group known as the Millerites was founded by a Baptist preacher, Willian Miller. On the basis of a reading of the Book of Daniel, Miller preached that the the second coming of Christ would be in 1844. Another preacher, Samuel S. Snow said that the second coming would actually be on the 22nd October 1844. When the world continued as it always has, this prophecy became known as the Great Disappointment.

Is anti-Christ going to come from Christians or Jews?

The anit-christ is coming for any and everybody who is of God. Specific religion doesn't matter. He's coming to kill and pull away all of God's people.

What does John the Baptist means?

The name John the Baptist came from St. John the Baptist who preached the coming of Jesus Christ and also baptised Him. You can see the brief explanation at the following link.

Who first preached Jesus coming?

We can say that the first prophet to clearly mention the coming of Jesus is the major prophet Isaiah who said 700 years before the birth of Jesus christ. That Jesus would come to save the world of their sin.

How did John the Baptist preach the coming of the Messiah?

He preached repentance, and baptized people, and told them that the Messiah was coming, and they should prepare for Him.

In Catholic religion what does Epiphany mean?

It is the feast celebrating the coming of the wise men. They were the first Gentiles to see and to worship Christ. The word itself means "manifestation," because it was the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles.

Do Spiritualists believe in Christ's second coming?

There are various Spiritualist variants (like there are various Christian variants). But, many wouldn't believe in that 2nd coming. It would be the return of Christ, as in Christ Consciousness (or way of thinking). Spiritualist religion is also like Christianity 2000 years ago. There's also the belief in the ending of earth's isolation in the universe, which would be much like the Christian concept of Jesus' second coming.

Why did god choose John the Baptist as a leader?

So that he could prepare people for Christ's Coming.

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What movie is coming out on October?

The movie that is coming out on October is Paranormal Activity 3.