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Good question, As long as one believe in a creator then religion really doesnt matter..

There's so many religions that are being taught & practiced among this small worl6 of ours, it would be quite hard to give such an correct or accurate answer! - Antonio

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It is your choice.

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There's the best use of prayer: Ask God. You'll get an answer. I did.

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Q: Which religion should you believe in and also which religion is right?
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Which religion should you believe in also which religion is right?

Islam is the right religion and the one you should follow

What right is when someone writes a letter of concern?

right to freedom of speech, and in a way, it can also be a right to freedom of religion because you're expressing what you think should be done right, or what you believe.

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a religion is a set of beliefs by which you live. christians and Jews also believe that you should commit to it when you are a child also. If you don't, then it is not truly a religion, because you are undecisive of it, therefore, not living by it.

What do extremists believe in?

Extremism in religion is when people believe strongly that their religion is best; everyone should be that religion. For example, the Taliban are extremists. They believe that everyone should be Muslim, and also, they must be strict Muslim. They must follow every single Muslim law. Extremism - to be extreme.

How can I figure out my religion I believe in Karma and Afterlife I also believe that there is a god Im confused?

You Need to feeling your religion

Did people in New England enjoy reading the Bible?

Yes, people of New England always enjoyed reading the Bible. From the days of the pilgrims they came here for freedom of their religion, not freedom from religion. There is a difference. In fact the people living in New England still enjoy reading the Bible today. Remember that freedom of religion also entails that you also have the right to believe in any religion and you can choose to not believe in any religion also.

When do the people of the Hindu religion fast?

They fast to make a connection with the body and soul, they also believe that they should do this every Saturday.

It is right to believe in superstitions?

It's a belief, very similar to religion. From a rational point it doesn't make sense, but then there's no requirement to be sensible all the time.

What religion doesn't believe in afterlife?

also saitanism is one too

What is fredom of religion?

Freedom of worship is the freedom of an individual or community, no matter where they are(in a public or private place), to practice, worship, and observe their religion. It includes the teaching of religion, but does no mean that you must allow someone to teach you there religion. It is generally recognized to also include the freedom to change religion or not to follow any religion.

Who brought religion into Arabia and what is this religion called?

the person who brang religion in Arabia was no one! Muslims (who believe the religion called Islam) believe that Allah (god) created the religion from the beginning of time which is also written down in their holy book called the quran.

Why should you support same-sex unions?

If you are an American and believe what the constitution says about all people being equal, then you should also believe that we all have the same rights. If heterosexuals have the right to marry, then so should homosexuals.