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the christians celebrate birth by having a baptism. this is normally when the child is about one year old.however some parents have different beliefs and let their child choose for them selves. they have to choose by the age 13. you can also be baptisted any other time in your life. when you are baptised you are welcomed into God's house. the parents and siblings of the family have to gather around the top of the church and they give their child to the priest. the priest holds the baby over the top of a bowl of water, which is blessed by the priest, and he pours a little of the water on the child's head. now the child's parents choose two god mothers and two god fathers and they light a candle. the priest dries the child's head and then he gets some ask and traces a cross on everyones forehead, then the parents and god parents trace a cross on the child forehead.

the baby is dressed in white to represents that they are pure and have committed no sin. they will come out of darkness and join the world.


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1mo ago

Many religions celebrate birth with special ceremonies or traditions. For example, Christians often hold baptism ceremonies to welcome newborns into the faith, while Hindu families may perform a naming ceremony called Namkaran. In Islam, the Aqiqah ceremony is held to celebrate the birth of a child by sacrificing an animal and distributing the meat to family, friends, and the less fortunate.

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