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Choke Ballast Over Debris

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Q: Which repair material is used when the subsurface debris is suitable for fill but limited?
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Related questions

What is the definition of debris?

Debris consists of fragments or material that remains after an object is damaged, wrecked, or destroyed. It can also apply to litter or refuse from an activity, such as marine debris along a seashore. In geology, debris is the rock, rubble, and other material left by geological activities (e.g. landslides, mudslides, volcanic eruptions, or glaciers).

What is ejected debris?

"Ejected debris" the the solid material shot into the air by an erupting volcano (as opposed to the gasses ejected by the same eruption).

Dirt and other material that is picked up by a tornado is called what?


What is material formed from nonliving matter?

Material formed from nonliving matter is soil. Organic dead debris and nonliving debris will break down either naturally or with the help of nature to form new soil.

What does a river leave behind when it floods?

Topsoil, sand, silt, organic debris, and other assorted material.

What is the term for a mudflow that includes numerous larger blocks of material?

lahar, debris flow

What is the purpose of haptoglobin?

to remove damaged cells and debris and rescue important material such as iron.

What is the debris of boulder and coarse material carried by glaciers?

Moraine or glacial till.

Whart are synonyms for rocky debris?

scree, rubble

Is pahoehoe considered pyroclastic debris?

No. Pahoehoe is considered a lava flow. Pyroclastic debris consists of volcanic ash, pumice, and lapilli rather than lava flow material.

What is a eject?

Any material expelled during an eruption is volcanic ejection. This material is typically rock, debris, and ash from explosions, and lava and cinder rock from eruptions.

What is the name given to the debris composed of boulders and coarse material carried by glaciers?

This is known as glacial till.