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black sea

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Q: Which river borders the eastern end of Russia around 1505?
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What river borders China And Russia?

Amur River

What four states does the Mississippi river forms all or of the eastern borders of these states?

The states of Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas have their eastern borders on the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River borders seven other states.

What river border the eastern end of Russia around 1505?

black sea (im smart) <3

What river is is on the border of eastern Russia china?

The Jiamusi Ussuri River

Russia borders what ocean?

Russia is bordered by both oceans, and a river. It is bordered by the Tumen river, the Pacific Ocean, the Bering sea, and the Okhotsk sea.

River that forms between eastern china and Russia?

me tinks its vogal river

Which rivers form th Congo's eastern border?

The river that borders Eastern Cango is Lake Tanganyika.

What river flows along the northeast and eastern borders of nebraska?

Missouri RiverMississippi River

What country is the Amur River in?

The Amur River flows mostly through China, but a portion flows through Russia and along the border of China and eastern Russia.

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What physical feature forms Arkansas borders?

The Mississippi River forms Arkansas' eastern border.

What are borders to Pennsylvania in the east?

The Delaware River forms Pennsylvania's eastern border. Across the river are New Jersey and New York