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She was a woman who ruled Egypt at one time in history and dressed like a man and called herself king so people in ancient egypt would listen to her.

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Q: Which satement is true about hatshesput?
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How did Hatshesput become Pharaoh?

hatsheput became pharoh as she did watever she wanted :D

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i Shall answer your question, by makeing a satement ask jeeves :P

Is Cleopatra and hatshesput the same person?

no Hatshepsut was the first female ruler of egypt, cleopatra was an egyptian queen who married a greek king.

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Only the wise knowledge and wisdom they gained while on the earth. We cannot take anything else, not even our title.

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agree Monroe doctrine

What did Hatshesput do as a pharaoh in Egypt?

She used the money gained trade to support the arts and architecture,and also built impressive monuments and temples during her reign.

What will be the effect on bank reconciliation satement of April 2007 if cheque issued in march 2007 gets cleared in April 2007?

don't know.

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It was important because of the famous people who were in it and the selctions of wwhat happen in jamestown and made by that satement the virgina company.

What is the vision satement of Tata Motors?

The vision statement of Tata Motors is "Best in the manner in which we operate , best in the product we deliver, and best in our value systemand ethics."

What was one of Hatshesput 's major achievements?

One of the Egyptian queen's major acheivements include establishing trade and market in early Egypt. I am currently 11 years old and i just learned about her today.