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Q: Which scenario most likely formed most large lakes in North America and Europe?
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Not likely. Modern civilization first arose and developed greatly in Europe. Without Europe civilization would most likely slowly disappear.

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halfway between north america and europe

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The Appalachian Mountains were formed by the collision of North America and Africa.

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the planet of the ape is full of mountains full of trees and nearby waters like paradise.

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The likely word is the noun "scenario" (one possible situation).

The ural mountais formed as a result of the collision of Europe with asiathe urals are therefore most likely to be?

The Ural mountains formed as a result of the collision of Europe with Asia and are folded mountains. Fold mountains are mountain ranges that are formed when two of the tectonic plates that make up the Earth's crust push together at their border. The extreme pressure forces the edges of the plates upwards into a series of folds.

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The areas of Europe that likely believed in Christianity was the western part of Europe, which is Spain and Italy.

What does it mean to have left hand cars?

Where the steering wheel is on the left hand side like in America, where as in Europe, the steering wheel is on the right hand side. When someone in America travels to Europe, they would be likely to get highly confused with the sudden opposite of all the road ways that they know.

Would you be likely to ride a reindeer near the Arctic or the Antarctic circle?

The reindeer's natural habitat includes northern Europe, Siberia, and North America. You're more likely to ride a reindeer in the Arctic.