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Q: Which scene of Twilight was in Stephenie Meyers dream when she wrote the book?
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What scene in the book was essentially from Stephanie Meyer's dream?

Chapter 13 in Twilight was Stephanie Meyers dream.

How did Stephenie Meyer think of Edward and Bella in Twilight?

She said she had a dream of the meadow scene

How did Stephenie Meyer get the idea of making Twilight?

She had a dream of one of the scenes in Twilight-the meadow scene- and that led to the writing of the saga.

What was Stephenie Meyer dream of twilight?

Stephenie dreamt of the "meadow" scene and began writing the next day. You can read her account of how it happened on

Which scene in The Twilight Saga was essentially Stephenie Meyer's dream?

in twillight Stephenie Meyer writes that Edward takes Bella to a little medow. For here and until they go to leave is/was Meyer's dream.

Where did the idea of twilight come from?

Stephenie Meyer had a dream one night about the meadow scene with the characters that would later become Edward and Bella

How did Stephenie Meyer decide to write Twilight?

Stephenie Meyer wrote Twilight because on the night of June 1st in 2003, she had a dream of the meadow scene of Twilight and started writing it down. In her dream the girl was very ordinary (Bella Swan) and the boy was very beautiful and when the sun hit his skin he sparkled (that's the god-like figure... Edward Cullen). If you want to hear or read Stephenie Meyer directed answer, please visit Stephenie Meyer's official website.

How did the Author got the idea for the twilight novel?

Stephenie Meyer got the idea for the Twilight novel after having a dream about a human girl and a vampire boy who were in love. This dream inspired her to create the story that eventually became the Twilight series.

What Day Did Stephenie Meyer Dream About Twilight?

Yes. Actually she was dreaming about the meadow scene first then after some long thinking, she thought about writing the book. Its a great book and a great question! Hope I helped!!!!!

Does Stephenie Meyer want to play Rosalie in twilight?

No. though she was a extra in the scene where Bella meets Charlie in the diner.

What was Stephenie Meyer purpose of writing twilight?

She hadn't planned to make it into a book, but it just happened on its own accord. She had the dream of the meadow scene in Twilight and wrote it down. From there she just kept getting ideas about her dream and slowly began writing and forming it into a story. When she had finished it, some of her relatives read it and persuaded her to publish it. From there, you know the rest.

Is Stephenie Meyer in any movies?

Yes, Stephenie Meyer has made cameo appearances in the film adaptations of her "Twilight" series, including the first movie as a waitress in a diner scene.