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Biological criminology, also known as biosocial criminology, explains criminal behavior by examining the influence of factors such as genetics, brain structures, and hormonal imbalances on an individual's propensity to commit crimes. This perspective emphasizes the role of biological factors in shaping criminal behavior.

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Q: Which school of criminology explains criminal behavior by looking at physical characteristics or genetic make up?
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How does the Positive School of Criminology explain recidivism?

The Positive School of Criminology explains recidivism as the result of individuals having certain inherent traits or characteristics that predispose them to criminal behavior. These traits could include biological factors, psychological abnormalities, or social influences that contribute to repeated criminal behavior despite interventions.

What is Conservative criminology?

NeoConserative criminology is on the one hand committed to preservation of the traditional values of society and on the other hand to the promotion of technocratic rationalities. The main protagonist of Neo-conservative criminology is James Q Wilson who was extremely influential on the criminal justice policies in the US. He had numerous advisory roles in the Regan and Bush administrations. Neoconservative criminology should be understood as as a specific application of social engineering. According to neoconservative thinking the economic, technical and managerial systems of modernity should be safeguarded and extended. However, this does not apply to its ethical and moral components and hence the call to 'back to basics' and 'traditional family values'. Central to neoconservative thinking is that crime and deviance is committed because people are not committed to self-control or self-regulation. Neoconservative criminologies are not concerned with the causal theories of crime as they do little to change the crime problem. They have abandoned attempt to tackle the root causes of crime. (poverty, inequality, class, gender Etc). Hence they argue that the welfare state has created a culture of the feckless, lazy, and state dependent whose moral values have been lost. Instead focus should be placed on practical and cost effective policy making. Hence neoconservative criminology pays attention to the moral culture of contemporary society as a major cause of rising crime levels. Related Control Theories. Broken Windows theory. Rational choice theories. Situational crime prevention. Administrative criminologies.

What testimony does detective karyl give about fingerprints?

Detective Karyl testifies that fingerprints are unique to each individual and can be used to positively identify a person. She explains the process of collecting and analyzing fingerprints from crime scenes and comparing them to known prints in databases to help solve cases. She emphasizes the reliability and importance of fingerprint evidence in criminal investigations.

What are the vocab words for Criminal Justice DMACC?

Some common vocabulary words in Criminal Justice courses at DMACC may include: recidivism, due process, Miranda rights, probation, parole, evidence, prosecution, defense, sentencing, and rehabilitation.

Which sentence best explains why critics argue against social welfare programs?

Critics argue against social welfare programs because they believe that these programs create dependency, disincentivize individuals from seeking employment, and can lead to inefficiencies in the allocation of resources.

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One who studies and explains human behavior is a psychologist or a sociologist. These professionals investigate why people act the way they do and help to understand and predict human behavior. Their research can help to improve mental health, social interactions, and overall well-being.

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How people change their behavior to fit in with a culture

What explains why innate behavior is shared by members of the same species?

It is genetically determined.

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The code of behavior for knights was called the Code of Chivalry. There is a link below to an article that explains it.

Which model of abnormality explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses?

The behavioral model explains abnormal behavior as the result of a set of learned responses acquired through conditioning processes such as reinforcement and punishment. This approach focuses on observable behaviors and how they are shaped by environmental factors rather than internal thoughts or emotions.

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The Kinetic Theory

Did Frank Sinatra suffer from Alzheimer?

Yes, he was. That probably explains some of his behavior.