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The environmental science is likely Economics.Because the definition of economics essentially deals with human behaviors in tier environment.

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Zackery Schumm

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2y ago
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The environmental science is likely economics.Because the definition of economics essentially deals with human behaviors in tier environment.

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Q: Which sciences use environmental education to make people understand their behavior in the environment?
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Which sciences uses envaromental education to make people understand their behaviour in the envaroment?

Environmental psychology is a science that studies how individuals interact with their environment and how they can change their behavior to positively impact the environment. Through environmental education, individuals can become more aware of their impact on the environment and learn ways to reduce their ecological footprint. This knowledge can lead to behavior changes that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Why do we have to teach environmental education?

We need to teach environmental education to raise awareness about environmental issues, promote sustainability, and encourage responsible behavior towards the environment. By educating individuals about the importance of protecting the environment, we can inspire positive action and foster a sense of stewardship for our planet.

What is the relationship between Environmental Management and Environmental Science?

Environmental management is how we manage the the behavior of environmental changes . Environmental science is the study of living organism and other things related to environment . They both are part of Environment education.

What are jobs that are related to an early childhood educator?

Environmental education is a study about environment and brings changes in our behavior to conserve and maintain environment.

Is arthritis genetic communicable environmental or behavioral?

Arthritis can be Genetic,Arthritis is not communicable And we don't understand it well enough to be able to attribute it to environment or behavior

What is environmental perception and cognition?

Environmental perception and cognition refer to how individuals perceive and mentally process information about their surroundings. It involves the ways in which people interpret and understand the environment, including both natural and built landscapes. This can influence behavior, emotions, and decision-making related to the environment.

Where you can get your behavior from the environment or from the heredity?

Behavior can be influenced by both the environment and heredity. Environmental factors such as upbringing, social interactions, and experiences can shape behavior. Meanwhile, heredity plays a role through genetics and biological predispositions that can impact behavior tendencies. Ultimately, behavior is a complex interplay between genetic and environmental influences.

What branch science studies the development behavior and relationships of humans in environment?

Environmental psychology studies the relationship between human behavior and the environment. It examines how individuals interact with their surroundings and how the environment can influence behavior, development, and relationships.

What do you think the importance of studying environmental Psychology?

Studying environmental psychology is important as it helps understand how individuals interact with their surroundings and how the environment impacts behavior and well-being. This knowledge can inform strategies for creating healthier and more sustainable environments that support human flourishing.

What is the meaning of Behavior Theory?

Behavior theory is a psychological perspective that focuses on how environmental factors influence and shape human behavior. It emphasizes observable behaviors and the impact of reinforcement and punishment on learning and behavior change. This theory is often used in areas such as education, therapy, and organizational management to understand and modify behavior.

5 things that influence our behavior?

Genetics, environment, education, friends and society

What branch of science studies the development of behavior and relationship of their human environment?
