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Which scientific tool was invented to help scientists see very tiny things, like bacteria

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The microscope was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria. This tool uses lenses to magnify objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

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Q: Which scientific tool was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria?
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What scientific tool was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria?

The microscope was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria. This instrument uses lenses to magnify objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye, allowing researchers to study the structure and behavior of microorganisms.

What are scientists of living things?

Scientists who study living things are known as biologists. They explore the structure, function, behavior, and interactions of various organisms, ranging from microscopic bacteria to complex ecosystems. Their research helps us better understand the natural world and the processes that sustain life.

Do microscope enable scientist to see and study?

Yes, microscopes allow scientists to see and study objects at a very small scale, such as cells, bacteria, and other microorganisms. Microscopes provide magnified images of these tiny structures, which help scientists understand their characteristics and functions in detail.

What percentage of all scientists who have ever lived are alive today?

Estimates vary, but it is generally believed that around 90-95% of all scientists who have ever lived are alive today due to the exponential growth of scientific knowledge and the increasing number of individuals pursuing careers in science.

What are very tiny living things?

Very tiny living things include microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These microscopic organisms are essential for various ecological processes and can be found in almost every environment on Earth.

Related questions

What scientific tool was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria?

The microscope was invented to help scientists see very tiny things like bacteria. This instrument uses lenses to magnify objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye, allowing researchers to study the structure and behavior of microorganisms.

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to help scientists figure things out.

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Why were microscopes invented?

Microscopes were invented to magnify tiny objects and enable scientists to study them in greater detail. The invention of the microscope revolutionized the field of biology by allowing researchers to observe cells, bacteria, and other microorganisms. Microscopes have led to numerous scientific discoveries and advancements in medicine.

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Scientists rarely think about aliens, they're too busy thinking about science and scientific things.

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There are many. Ordinary people from all walks of life invent things everyday not just scientists

What do scientists use to study the world around them?

The scientific methodI believe you are talking about the scientific method or process. this is a method where scientists use in studying the things around the world. Basically, this is a step by step method that is part of investigating a certain phenomenon.

How is a scientific model useful?

A scientific model lets scientists see objects that are too complex. A globe would be an example of a model. Without models scientists would have a hard time understanding certain things Hope this helps

Compare pure science from applied science?

science is about discovering new things via the scientific method. For example, discovering new bacteria which may cause a new disease by isolating the bacteria, growing it and sequencing its DNA for example. applied science is using science for other purposes. all doctors and physiotherapists are applied scientists.

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Listen, buddy, NOBODY invented the chickenpox virus if that is what you were asking. Scientists have better things to do than ruin the world. Stay safe! 😄

What do scientists base questions on?

Scientist base their answers on things they already know, scientific evidence, and results that they get with doing experiments.