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Q: Which scientist proposed a link between contaiminated water and cholera?
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Which scientist proposed a link between contaminated water and cholera?

It was a doctor, John Snow, in London England, during the cholera outbreak in 1853. Those that drank beer, were free of the plague. Isolating a contaminated water pump, proved the theory.

3 What did the miasma model of disease propose as the cause for cholera?

It proposed that cholera was caused/spread by bad vapours in the air.

Who invented the Cholera cure?

The Italian scientist, Filippo Pacini, would gain prominence for his discovery of Vibrio cholera

What are the two differences between malaria and cholera?

malaria is keko, but cholera is ceko

Is there a connection between cystic fibrosis and cholera?

Yes there is connection between them!!

How many Cholera epidemcis have there been?

Cholera often occurs in outbreaks or epidemics; seven pandemics (countrywide or worldwide epidemics) of cholera have been recorded between 1817 and 2003

What are the different types of vibrio cholera?

Vibrio cholera-01Vibrio cholera-0139Vibrio cholera-non-01Vibrio cholera-non-0139

What is a sentence using cholera?

cholera is poopy.

How does a cholera vaccination make you immune to cholera?

In cholera vaccination you are injected the dead cells of cholera. So you get antibodies to cholera. This vaccine is not very effective. The protection rate is some where 50 to 60 % only. So you can not keep faith on the vaccine for protection from cholera.

Does chlorine cause cholera?

Chlorine does not cause cholera. You may get cholera, by absence of that little chlorine in public water supply.

What happens when you breathe cholera?

You will not get the cholera by breathing the cholera bacilli. They can infect the gut only. You may get immunized to cholera. But immunity to cholera is short lasting and is not very effective as well. By injecting dead cholera bacilli you get the immunity for cholera.

Can you be vaccinated for cholera?

Yes. You can be vaccinated for cholera. That is an opportunity to discuss about the preventive measures to be taken to prevent the cholera.