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Article I, Section 3 of the US Constitution includes the requirement that:

No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.

Most senators set up a residence in or near Washington, D.C. while serving, but if they want to get re-elected, they have to simultaneously maintain a residence in the state from which they were elected.

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No. They have to have a residence in the state they are elected.

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Who must live in the state from which they are elected?

US, senators and congressmen, and all state officers must live in the state they serve.


monkeys who run the government very poorly..... jk it depends what state you live in as to who your senators are.

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monkeys who run the government very poorly..... jk it depends what state you live in as to who your senators are.

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Every state has exactly two Senators. Each state gets a number of Representatives based on how many people live in that state, but every state is guaranteed to have at least one.

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legal to the state they live in according to my calculations

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In his home state and he/she also maintains a home in the DC area.

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there are two senators from every state in the u.s. but the house of reps number is different depending on its population

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there are two senators from every state in the u.s. but the house of reps number is different depending on its population

How many STATE senators are there How many US senators are there?

2 state senators and there are 100 us senators 2 for every state

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Each state has two US Senators. The number of state senators is determined by the state.