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a solution might become absolete over time.

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Q: What best explains why political continually need to reevaluate domestic policy?
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Which sentence explains why politicians continually need to reevaluate domestic policy?

a solution might become absolete over time.

Is the theory that explains the legitimacy of kingship in the political system?

human right.

What explains the appearance of political parties in the US after the adoption of the Constitution?

the t pardy

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They are an organized effort to influence voter decisions.

What explains why globalization has led to wages cuts in some jobs in the US?

Outsourcing increases the domestic supply of workers, driving down the price of labor.Outsourcing

Explains how political bosses were able to gain and maintain power?

They bribed state and local officials in return for government appointments.

What explains why globalization has led to wage cuts in some jobs in the United States?

Outsourcing increases the domestic supply of workers, driving down the price of labor.

Which generalization best explains the creation of the nations of India and Pakistan in 1947?

Religious conflicts may have a strong influence on political events

Approaches to the study of politics?

Some general methodologies:Positivism explains politics in terms of observables and verification;Functionalism explains politics in terms of systems with beneficial features that generate their own outcomes;Structuralism explains politics in terms of systems with structures (features) that determine outcomes;Interpretivism explains politics in terms of understanding cultural norms and meanings;Rational choice theory explains politics in terms of aggregations of individually rational agents choosing best outcomes;Materialism (Marxism) explains politics in terms of the basic material needs and organisation of humans to attain them.

What best explains why globalization has led to wage cuts in some jobs in the US?

Outsourcing increases the domestic supply of workers, driving down the price of labor.Outsourcing

Which of the following best explains why globilization has lead to wage cuts in some jobs in the US?

Outsourcing increases the domestic supply of workers, driving down the price of labor. -apex

Which of these theories best explains why in difficult economic times some people blame groups or individuals with little or no political power?

scapegoat theory - Apex