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The mailman delivered apples, bananas, and coconuts.

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βˆ™ 4y ago
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Anthony Garcia

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βˆ™ 5mo ago
It’s Jorge likes to read at school,at the coffee shop, and at the bus stop. (apex)
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βˆ™ 9y ago

All of the above follow the rule

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βˆ™ 3y ago
it's also: The scientists preformed the experiment, was wondering if the experiment data was worth anything, and finally decided to start over.

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βˆ™ 2y ago

The teacher taught students, teachers, and administrators.

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Q: Which sentences adheres to the rule of parallelism for items in a series?
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Three items that you should pay attention to with regard to parallelism are?

items in a series, coordinating ideas, and repetition.

Not adhere to the rules of parallelism for items in a series?

The lawyer ran to the courthouse, was wondering about her case, and eventually decided to eat lunch.

Parallelism examples in a series of phrases?

"He enjoys playing tennis, swimming, and running." The phrases "playing tennis," "swimming," and "running" are parallel because they are all gerunds (verbs ending in -ing) that serve as items in the list.

Where do comma's go in a sentence?

the commas go between items in a series, between adjectives, and behind a dependent clause.

What is the main usage of semi-colon in sentences?

The main usage of a semi-colon in sentences is to connect two closely related independent clauses. It can also be used to separate items in a list when the items contain commas.

Can Colons be used when listing items in a series?

Yes, colons can be used to introduce a list of items in a series. For example: "I need three things from the store: milk, bread, and eggs."

Which of these best describes a parallelism in an outline?

All subpoints of a particular point have the same grammatical characteristics

The word needed to achieve parallelism?

Parallelism refers to the format of a list in the sentence. All items in the list must be written in the same manner, meaning that all the verbs are in the same format. First, she opens door, then feeds the cat, and takes out the garbage. All my verbs are the same format (or are parallel) opens, feeds, takes.

3 times you should use a semicolon?

To separate closely related independent clauses that are not joined by a conjunction. To separate items in a list when the items themselves contain commas. To clarify a complex series of items or phrases where commas are already being used.

Which revision corrects the faulty parallelism below?

To correct faulty parallelism, make sure that the items in a list are structured in a consistent manner. For example: "I enjoy cooking, reading, and taking long walks" instead of "I enjoy cooking, reading, and long walks."

When you enter a certain series code from Club Penguin do you get that series of the treasure book to unlock items from?

No, you get the current series.

Why are parentheses used in sentences?

Parentheses are used in sentences in two different ways. They can enclose words or figures to clarify, or they can be used to enclose numbers or letters used for a list of items.