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The male generally gets the sex of offspring that he longs for. It IS odd, but the male determines the offsprings' sex.

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Q: Which sex determines the sex of the offspring in human beings?
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Which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is male or female in humans?

In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

What determines the sex of the human?

The genes that are carried in the sperm to the ova. If the 23rd chromosome of the sperm is 'X', the offspring will be female. If it is 'Y', the offspring will be male.

In human which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

In humans, which sex chromosome determines if an offspring is a male or female?

What determines the sex of the offspring.?

For humans x or y chromosome from father

Is the sex offspring is determined by the chromosome the female parent gives?

No, the male determines the sex of a child.

What determines the sex of a human?

Whether they have 2 X chromosomes= girl, of one X chromosome and one Y chromosome= boy

Sex in human beings is determined by?


What carries genes that determines the sex of a offspring?

In humans it is the Male.

What sex chromosomes belong to a normal human male?

The human male has both an X and Y chromosome which determines the sex of an offspring. Female only have the X chromosome.

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It is human because it involves human beings. It is significantly human because no human is insignificant.

What determines the genes that determines the sex?

the answer is sex chromosomes

Which cell determends the gender of a human baby?

The sperm cell determines the gender of a human baby. Ova only have X sex chromosomes, but sperm cells can have either an X or a Y sex chromosome. If an X sperm fertilizes an egg, the offspring will be XX and be female. If a Y sperm fertilizes an egg, the offspring will be XY and be male.