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A sphere.

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Q: Which shape did archimedies discovered its surface area and volume?
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How do you calculate the surface-area-to-volume-ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.

How does the shape surface area and volume affect how fast magma cools?

The shape affects the ratio of surface area to volume. The greater the surface are to volume ratio, the faster the magma will cool.

What is the surface area to volume ratio?

surface area/ volume. wider range of surface area to volume is better for cells.

What shape has the volume of 6cm2 and the surface area of 22cm2?

No shape can have a volume of 6 cm2

What is the volume of a shape with a surface area of ten cm?

depends on the shape... if its a sphere or a prism or what. You'll get different answers because they have different surface area to volume ratios. Sphere will give you the biggest volume for a given surface area.

What is volume and surface area of pentagon?

A pentagon is a 2D shape. Volume and Surface Area is only found in 3D shapes.

How does a 2D shape look different from a 3D shape?

A 2D shape is flat and only has a surface area whereas a 3D shape is an object that has surface area and volume.

How do you find the volume and surface area of a parellagram?

It has no volume because it's a 2D shape but its surface area is:- length*perpendicular height

Does a basketball have a lot of surface to volume ratio?

No. A sphere has the smallest surface to volume ratio possible and a basketball is nearly spherical in shape (it has surface dimpling and seams).

What is matter that has no free surface nor a definite volume?

A material in such a state can be described as a plasma, which comprises charged particles without a fixed form or volume. Plasmas are often found at high temperatures, such as in stars or lightning bolts, where the constituent particles are highly energized and form a distinctive state of matter.

What shape has the most surface area?

least volume and most surface area is 3D triangle

What happens to the surface area and volume when the height of a three-dimensional solid is doubled?

The change in the surface area depends on the shape. The volume will double.