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There may be more than one singer that has vocal paralysis. But the first one I think of is David Archuleta. After winning Star Search Junior Vocalist at age 12, David was sick a lot and ended up in the hospital for weeks. Doctors think a virus damaged one of his two vocal cords. They told him he had vocal paralysis. David has said that for a couple of years he had trouble speaking and he could sometimes sing one song but he never knew when his voice just would disappear. He also had some problems breathing. He worked hard on vocal training in Seth Riggs aka Speech Level singing which requires a lot of control and eventually he was able to get a singing voice back though it was not the same as before. His voice and breathing has an airy quality and there is a unique texture in his voice. When David competed on American Idol he said his problem was almost gone. After Idol was over, on two separate Ryan Seacrest radio shows, Idol coach Debra Byrd and David himself said that his one cord still has some paralysis and is underdeveloped. It's amazing that David can sing as beautifully as his does.

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Q: Which singer has vocal paralysis
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Clinical correlation of vocal cord paralysis means comparing the imaging report to the clinical picture (e.g. the history and physical by the clinician who examined the patient.)

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It's where at least one of your vocal cords can't move. It effects how you talk or sing. Your voice will be weak and airy.

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Laryngoparalysis or laryngoplegia is paralysis of the larynx or voice box. Another term might be vocal cord paralysis.

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A disease of the larynx. As this is an umbrella term for any disease of the larynx, there are many, including laryngitis, vocal cord polyps and vocal cord paralysis.

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