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functionalist perspective

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Q: Which sociological perspective generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to understand society as a whole?
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Benefits of sociological perspective?

Sociology and Personal GrowthFour general benefits of using the sociological perspective are identified. They include the following:It challenges familiar understandings about ourselves and others, so that we can critically assess the truth of commonly held assumptions.It allows us to recognize both opportunities we have and the constraints that circumscribe our lives.It empowers us as active members of our world through the grasp of our "sociological imagination," the capacity to comprehend the interplay between personal life and societal forces.It helps us to recognize human diversity and to begin to understand the challenges of living in a diverse world.

How applying the sociological perspective on daily life?

One central and important study of sociology is the study of everyday social life. Everyday life and sociology are undoubtedly two distinct terms and situations, but nonetheless, they hold a dialectical relationship. While sociology studies human interaction, everyday life consists of everyday human interaction. Everyday life is permeated by human beings interacting with one another, institutions, ideas, and emotions. Sociology studies the interactions with all of these and shows how mere interaction resulted in things like "ideas" and "institutions".Everyday that you wake up and come into contact with what you do and the people you speak to is sociological. You wake up and interact with objects. Some of these objects you see yourself in such as your clothes, your music, your journal, etc. We would call this the sociology of identification. If you live with your parents and siblings, you wake up and interact with them, by saying good morning and having breakfast with them. Thus, you recognize and participate in the family institution. When you go to school, or church, or your job, you know what's expected of you and you know how to act in the way that is labeled "normal" or "right". Thus, you interact with a set of norms by conforming to them or breaking them(deviancy).The fact that we have an "everyday life" in which there are patterns and streams of ways of living is what sets a very foundation for sociological analysis, and for being a witness in what we do, in order to understand ourselves better. You use sociology in many ways everyday. For example, when you interpret the people you meet and how you behave around them. So sociology is everyday life.

What is Max Weber's contribution to sociology and anthropology?

Question: How did max Weber impact society?Answer:Max Weber, one of the 3 main "fathers of sociology," contributed to our understanding of the sociological perspective, to the nature of social change, and to the nature of social inequality.Max Weber helped us to understand the nature of society.answerd by: cheezequeen27

What is relation between marketing and sociology?

There are two kind relationships between marketing and sociology. First, marketing research use sociological concepts and theory. Second, sociology tries to understand and explain the marketing. I think that there are two perspectives in sociology. Perspectives are the sociology of consumption and sociological marketing. The sociology of consumption is interesting in consumptions culture, consumption society, and consumption theories and theorizes consumption. Sociological marketing is interesting in consumer behavior and retail etc. So that Sociological marketing is applied sociology.

What is a symbolic interaction analysis of sports?

The study of the symbols and their interpreted meanings by a society and what their meanings mean or likewise presented to others. ( Essentially the meaning of the symbol and what other individuals understand of it. )

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Benefits of sociological perspective?

Sociology and Personal GrowthFour general benefits of using the sociological perspective are identified. They include the following:It challenges familiar understandings about ourselves and others, so that we can critically assess the truth of commonly held assumptions.It allows us to recognize both opportunities we have and the constraints that circumscribe our lives.It empowers us as active members of our world through the grasp of our "sociological imagination," the capacity to comprehend the interplay between personal life and societal forces.It helps us to recognize human diversity and to begin to understand the challenges of living in a diverse world.

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What is the unique cultural lens from which you view and understand the world?

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