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Q: Which soft drink was developed as hangover?
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What is the name of the soft drink that was developed by Germans during world war 2?

The drink Fanta was developed in Germany 1941

Why do you get a hangover?

because after you drink you are dehydrated

Do you always get a hangover after getting drunk?

After every time you drink you do not get a hangover. If you are able to control the amount you drink you will be able to control how you act afterward.

There are 120 of these anti-hangover pills, but how many pills do you have to take for each hangover?

Take one tablet per drink to avoid hangover, up to six total.

Why does Benadryl give a hangover?

Benadryl causes a hangover from dehydration, just like alcohol. Drink plenty of water before bed and the hangover effect will be drastically reduced

Ok you drunk some alcohol last night and got a hangover?

Next time drink in moderation and you won't get a hangover.

How much is a soft drink?

A soft drink is $20.

What is the only way a person can be sure to prevent a hangover?

dont drink

What drink was spiked in the movie hangover?

The one that they have on the roof of Ceasar's Palace

Who developed the first soft-ware and how?

who developed the first soft ware and how

Is pineapple a soft drink?

Yes pineapple is a soft drink

Is coke a soft drink?

Yes coke is a soft drink