

Which spider spins the web, male or female?

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Reynold Kuphal

Lvl 10
4y ago

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Q: Which spider spins the web, male or female?
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How does a male spider stop a female spider from eating it?

gets her reported on the web lol

How the web made of?

the spider spins a web when they are about to lay the eggs

What is the reproduction of the arachnids?

A male spider deposits his sperm into a sperm web, holding it in his palps. Then he cautiously approaches a female spider. The male spider deposits the sperm into an opening on the underside of the female spider's abdomen. The female fertilizes her eggs with the stored sperm and then lays them into an egg sac.

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When the spider spins a web is it called a spinnerate?

no.It is called a spiderweb.Dah

Does all spider spins web?

No not all spiders spin webs. Tarantuals do not. And Ive heard of a spider that digs a tunnels and jumps out when its prey is heard running over the top. Not EVERY spider spins a web but MOST do. Hope it helped :)

Where does the red back spider live?

Spiders like to live in dark places and they also tend to live in the web that it created.the habitat or house of a spider is hard to classify but spiders can live in houses maybe holes and it also depends on what type of spider it is. ex; house spiders , garden spiders , tarantulas and etc.

What type of web does the triangular spider spin?

The triangular spider spins spiral, wheel-shaped webs, that are often found in gardens.

What is the pronoun of The spider spin its web from the cabinet to the wall?

"its" is a possessive pronoun. "spin" should be "spins".

Is the female or male funnel web spider poisonous?

The male Sydney Funnel Web spider is more dangerous to humans than the female. Their venom is stronger, and they wander in search of females, which makes them more likely to come in contact with humans. Female Sydney Funnel Web spiders remain in their burrows for most of their lives.

Does a trapdoor spider spin a web?

Sort of. The Sydney Tunneling Spider spins a web inside the ground, and after it digs its hole, it spins a lid for the hole, and camoflages it. When prey comes around, it would step on the web, sendng vibrations which the spider feels, and quickly goes to the surface to paralyze its prey and suck the juices out of the prey!!! LOL, i like studying spiders.