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Q: Which spinal tract unconsciously maintains balance and muscle tone?
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Musculoskeletal deviations can result in?

Musculoskeletal deviations are abnormalities in the muscular and skeletal systems of an organism. These deviations can result in poor muscle balance and flexibility, and improper spinal alignment.

What type of muscle is the spinal cord?

The Spinal Column is a nerve.

Where is the center for muscle tonus?

spinal cord

What is the relationship between spinal cord injury and spasticity?

Spinal cord injury prevents the brain from telling the muscle to relax. The result is prolonged muscle contraction or spasticity.

What monitors muscle length and sends an impulse to the spinal cord to initiate the stretch reflex?

What monitors muscle length and sends an impulse to the spinal cord to indicate the stretch reflex

What sends messages to your brain and spinal cord and muscle cells?

Synapses let the "message" travel to muscle cells.

What is a motor neuron attached to?

A Motor neuron is a neuron that carries impulses from the spinal cord to muscle cells.A Motor neuron is a neuron that carries impulses from the spinal cord to muscle cells.

In response to a muscle being overstretched a muscle spindle generates a somatic spinal reflex that ultimately causes what response?

Both contaction of the agonist muscle and relaxation of the antagonist muscle

Incomplete spinal cord injury?

An incomplete spinal cord injury happens when only part of the spinal cord is damaged. This will result in a variety of residual muscle control, sensation or both.

What types of issues does spinal decompression therapy help?

No, having a pulled muscle will not be fixed by having spinal decompression. If you have chronic back pain from spinal compression on the discs, then it would help.

What type of muscle requires your brain to tell them to operate?

Your nerves and spinal cord.

What is the medical name for the long back muscle?

spinal erectae. This muscle group flows up the backbone and is attached to each vertebra.