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Water spreads faster. Kerosene is an oild with higher viscosity.

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Q: Which spreads faster on the floor water or kerosene?
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Is it true that kerosene faster to dissolved salt than water?

No, salts are insoluble in kerosene oil.

Light travel faster in water or kerosene?

The speed of light in water is approx 225,400,000 metres per second. Its speed in kerosene is 215,700,000 metres per seconds. So it travels around 4.5% faster in water.

If a drop of ink and a drop of honey are place in water which spreads faster?

Ink is spreaded faster.

Why kerosene floats on water?

kerosene floats on water because kerosene is less denser than water

Which liquid floats on top water or kerosene?

When water and kerosene are mixed kerosene will float on top.

Why kerosene float on water?

Kerosene is less dense than water.

Why is it not advisable to pour water on a kerosene caused fire?

Pouring water on a kerosene fire may cause splashes of hot/burning kerosene and water to splatter, due to the fact that kerosene is not miscible in water.

Is kerosene is denser than water?

Kerosene is less dense than water.

Are kerosene and oil soluble?

No. Kerosene is an organic compound. and water is a non-organic compound. (kerosene : non-polar Water : polar). As water is a polar solvent kerosene is not soluble in it. but kerosene is soluble in ethyl alcohol which is a non-polar solvent.

Is kerosene in water a suspension a solution or a colloid?

Kerosene is a colloid. :))

Does alcohol or water evaporate faster?

Yes, because gasoline is volatile. Volatile are liquids that evaporate rapidly.

Does kerosene float on water-?

no, beacuse there is more sugars patick present in it so it floats